
Demolition in Chicago: The Omega Way

Demolition in Chicago
The Illinois Department of Transportation awarded Omega the Outstanding Subcontractor of the Year Award of Excellence for its contribution to the Ohio Feeder Interchange project, which was an incredible

Environmental Considerations for Large Scale Demolitions

Environmental Considerations for Demolitions
While there are many business considerations involved in demolition projects, it is also critical to take environmental considerations into account because the health, safety, and well-being of the community

Choosing the Ideal Demolition Contractor in Illinois

Choosing the Ideal Demolition Contractor
Omega aims to make it easier to figure out how to find the right demolition contractor for your large-scale demolition. Omega has the right resources and expertise to take

How to Choose a Demolition Contractor for Large-Scale Projects

How to Choose Demolition Contractor for Large-Scale Projects
Large-scale demolition projects are a huge undertaking that require careful planning and a team you can rely on to complete the project and go above and beyond your expectations.